
6 Reasons Your Kids Should be Swimming All Winter

Goldfish Swim NOW OPEN in TIMONIUM

By Goldfish Swim School January 9, 2025

Swimming seems like a summer thing, right? Wrong! At Goldfish Swim School, swimming is an all-year-long thing – even in winter – that benefits kids in many ways. Here’s how:

1. Keep energy levels up

We all know that kids have oodles of energy that needs to get burned off somehow, productively. And when kids are active, they’re happier and healthier. So, what to do when all the activities and outdoor sports dry up in winter? Swim!

Our pools at Goldfish Swim School are a balmy 90 degrees – and so is the air temperature on the pool decks around them – so your children’s teeth won’t chatter while they’re using their energy, and they’ll have a GOLDEN experience all winter long.

2. Beat winter boredom

When the weather turns colder, it’s hard to find the desire – for parents and children – to go do things that require going outside. Sure, the kids can be entertained with games or arts and crafts or even screens…but even all that you can dream up on Pinterest can get boring after a while.

Venture outside for the quick drive to swim lessons at Goldfish Swim School, then splash around at our Family Swim sessions. And, if your child has a birthday in the winter, you can even make waves by having a birthday party here to celebrate with us.

3. Counteract seasonal sadness

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a very real thing, and the short, dark days of winter can even impact your kids without having the disorder. Lack of sunlight impacts our moods – but luckily, doing a fun activity like swimming helps to release the feel-good endorphins in the brain.

Our atmosphere in each Goldfish Swim School is bright and tropical, and will make you feel like you’re in a sunny, warm-weather climate – even if you’re nowhere near one. From the surfboard benches, to the bright gold fish swimming around, to the indoor palm trees, to the cheerfully-colored cabana changing rooms, you’ll look forward to coming here each week.

4. Maintain consistency

Your first thought may be to take a break from swimming in the winter when it’s cold and you won’t really be swimming anyway, but that’s even more of a reason why you should continue the routine you’ve already started.

Creating consistency not only helps children know what to expect, but it gives them something to look forward to. There’s a reason they love being at Goldfish Swim School, no matter the season: It may be the extraordinary results they see in themselves, or the award ribbons they earn, or the fun of being in the pool, or all of the above. Whatever the reason, they can enjoy being here all year long.

5. Instilling water safety

The importance of teaching water safety isn’t something that’s one-and-done. Our instructors use integrity, compassion and trust to teach children water safety skills during each and every lesson – because it’s vital to instill the knowledge so that it’s second nature.

By having your children learn water safety skills all winter, they’ll be prepared when spring hits and they head to the beach or pool or on vacation so everyone can be safer in and around the water.

6. Working on those swim skills

With all the progress your little ones have made mastering their swim techniques and advancing to the next level, we don’t want to lost that momentum!

Repetition is key when learning anything, including swimming. By continuing swim lessons all year long, your little goldfish won’t lose any of what they’ve been learning, and they’ll be advancing even further in what skills they’ve accomplish — making them super ready to dive right in when summer swim season arrives!

Article Sponsored by Goldfish Swim School Timonium

Keep on swimming at Goldfish Swim School

Winter is a great time to start – or continue – swim lessons at Goldfish Swim School! Stop in a location near you and sign up today. We have some pretty WOW! customer service, so we’ll answer all your questions when you visit us.