
Music Together of Charm City

Phone: 4108253881
Business Hours: Tuesdays through SaturdaysEmail: miriam@musictogethercharmcity.comWebsite: Visit Website

Our classes build on your child's natural enthusiasm for music and movement. You and your child will play musically each week under the guidance of an early childhood music specialist. During class, you will sing and move to songs and rhythmic rhymes in a variety of meters and tonalities by participating in activities that include small and large movement, instrument play-alongs and community singing. These fun activities are presented as non-performance-oriented musical experiences that are developmentally appropriate for children and easy for parents and caregivers to participate in regardless of their own musical ability. Participating families receive a download code to access professionally recorded music (a free CD is optional). You also take home a beautifully-illustrated songbook so you can continue the music-making fun at home. Classes meet once per week for 45 minutes.